
这是发现超过 80,000 张照片的结果,这些照片几十年来一直未被触及和见过。


这些是我已故祖父拍摄的照片,他在 1945 年至 87 年代期间环游世界,边走边拍照片。

到 20 世纪 80 年代末去世时,他已经游历了 40 多个国家,远至阿富汗、日本、新西兰和危地马拉。其中许多地方在今天完全无法辨认的时候被参观过。

虽然摄影的寿命众所周知,但它已经有 30 多年没有被触及了。

2021 年发现这些照片后,我意识到这个跨越近 50 年的档案必须分享。一堵空白的墙诞生了。


胶片上大约有 65,000 张彩色图像和 15,000 张黑白底片。


馆藏规模巨大。所有彩色图像均采用塑料和纸质 35 毫米幻灯片、正片胶片制成,黑白底片则装在档案摄影胶片书的封套中。底片是中号胶片(120 卷)和 35 毫米胶片的混合体。

He used the money gained as a doctor to start travelling further afield, with my Grandmother. He went to Scandinavia and the Alps, taking more and more photos as he went.

He had a respect for Ansel Adams, and much of his early work reflected large landscapes and architecture in the north of England, as well as Europe.

In the 1960s, he bought a pair of Olympus OM1s and started meeting other photographers, some professional and able to help his style and technique. He began travelling to more far flung places, such as Canada and Bolivia to take photos with friends.

This would last for the next 30 years until his premature passing in the late 1980s. He would visit countries at a very different time to today, such as Afghanistan before the Soviet invasion in the 1970s, or Nepal before climbing and walking made it so popular for tourists.

I unfortunately never met my Grandfather. He was an amateur photographer, but he was highly respected, being a fellow of the Royal Photographic Society in the U.K. For this, he created a large body of beautiful portraits from around the world, some of which will be exhibited in public soon.

The collection is huge. All the colour images are in plastic and paper 35mm slides, on diapositive film, and the B&W negatives in sleeves of archival photographic film books. The negatives are a mix of medium (120 roll) and 35mm film.

There are roughly 65,000 colour images on film, and 15,000 black and white negatives.

我的爷爷非常细心。他将所有幻灯片分类放入数百个盒子中。每叠幻灯片都装有大约 20,000 张照片,装在原来的黄色 Kodachrome I 和 II 盒中。 1945-50 年最古老的电影装在手工密封的信封中。



到目前为止,我已经审阅了不到一半的收藏,还有超过 40,000 张图像尚未审阅。

如今,“空白墙”是一个不断扩大的摄影收藏和档案,使用最佳图像进行 300gsm 微喷印刷和定制加框印刷。


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